National Agriculture Week is March 20-26 this year
Help join us to take a moment to appreciate all that is provided by agriculture and those who work hard to produce the food that we eat, products that we use and the clothes that we wear.
Since 1973, a week has been recognized to increase public awareness of agriculture’s role in society
National Agriculture Day/Week was founded by the Agriculture Council of America (ACA) in 1973. The ACA is dedicated to helping the public recognize, reflect and celebrate the huge impact that agriculture plays in contributing to the every day conveniences of the lives in our communities, nation and world. Not enough recognition and education goes into the awareness of the fields of study related to agriculture. This week is to help increase that awareness and to encourage young people to consider the multiple career opportunities involved with all aspects of agriculture from planting to delivery.
Learn more about Ag Day on March 22nd
The average American farmer feeds more than 165 people or produces fiber products to be used in various clothing and products throughout the United States. National Ag Day is March 22, 2022. This day is to encourage every American to stop and celebrate the many contributions of agriculture on every day life.
Things to think about:
- How food is grown, harvested, processed and distributed
- What crops are needed to create the fibers for clothing
- What crops are needed to feed the country
- What impact does agriculture have on maintaining a strong economy
- What jobs/workers are needed to create and provide safe and abundant products that are affordable to all Americans
“He championed rugged individualism, love of God and country, and the fundamental decency of ordinary people. And on the 8th day, God looked down on his planned paradise and said, “I need a caretaker.” So God made a farmer.
– Paul Harvey
Thank a Farmer
The best way to thank a farmer is to get involved in spreading the word of appreciation for all that they do. Sharing a positive message about agriculture, and the workers who contribute to it, helps to draw community support and interest for people to consider a career in agriculture. Let’s all do our part to help grow for a better tomorrow.
Learn specific ways you can thank a farmer and promote Ag Day
Rahn’s Oil and Propane supports the agriculture community
We promote the safe use and benefits of propane and petroleum. At Rahn’s Oil and Propane, we take great pride in building relationships with farmers and agriculture operations. Our commitment to delivering you the best fuels in a safe and efficient manner, is our top priority.
Learn more about our Agriculture Propane Delivery
Learn more about National Ag Day/Week